Lecture 14: CUDA Case Studies. (1) 1D Stencil Operation. (2) Vector Reduction in CUDA.
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Atomic operations
Things that shape the speed of execution of a kernel
The concept of "occupancy" and what impacts it (how many threads per block, how many registers/thread, how much ShMem/block)
Rules of thumb, for good execution speed in GPU computing
The nvcc toolchain, and how code is sent to host or gpu compilers
Case studies: parallel reduction on the GPU & 1D convolution
Looking beyond today: some more GPU computing feature, but looking for a while into optimization features
Problem: Ideally we want to synchronize across all thread blocks, but CUDA does not have global synchronization. Our workaround is to decompose into multiple kernels.
Optimization goal: Reaching GPU peak performance
Choosing the right metric
GFLOP/s: for compute-bound kernels
Bandwidth: for memory-bound kernels
Reductions have low arithmetic intensity (1 flop/2 elements loaded), so we should go for peak bandwidth
Kernel 4: Replace single load w/ two loads and first add of the reduction
Kernel 5: Loop unrolling (unroll last warp)
Kernel 6: Completely unrolling (using templates)
Kernel 7: Multiple elements per thread