Lecture 22: OpenMP Work Sharing
Lecture Summary
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OpenMP: Tasks, variable scoping, synchronization (barrier & critical constructs)
Wrap up synchronization
OpenMP rules of thumb
Parallel computing w/ OpenMP: NUMA aspects & how caches come into play
The atomic directive
A guarded memory access operation
Can only protect a single assignment
Applies only to simple update of memory
Is a special case of a critical section with significantly less overhead due to atomicity
The reduction construct (see example down below)
Local copy of sum for each thread engaged in the reduction is private
Each local sum is initialized to the identity operand associated with the operator that comes into play. In this case, we have "+", so the init value is 0.
All local copies of sum are added together and stored in a "global" variable
#pragma omp for reduction(op:list)
The variables in list will be shared in the enclosing parallel region
The simd directive
#pragma omp for simd reduction(+:sum)
Performance Issues
Common causes are:
Too much sequential code in your app
Seek to reduce amount of execution time where only one thread executes code
Too much communication
Difficult to pin down costly memory operations
Load imbalance
One thread gets too much work, while others idle waiting for it
For OpenMP for, one can use schedule(runtime)
setenv OMP_SCHEDULE "dynamic,5"
Barriers can be expensive
Avoid them using
Careful use of the
clauseParallelize at the outermost level possible
Use other OpenMP facilities like
Compiler (non-)optimizations
Sometimes the addition of parallel directives can prevent the compiler from performing sequential optimization
Symptom: parallel code running with 1 thread has longer execution and higher instruction count than sequential code
Up to this point, we have been using the Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) model and we haven't been concerned about the mechanics of shared memory access
In today's servers/clusters, nodes have many CPUs, each with many cores (this is called multi-socket configurations, as opposed to one chip per motherboard), and not all memory access are equal
NUMA: Non-uniform memory access
Cost of memory access depends on which memory bank stores your data
The NUMA factor: the ratio between the largest and shortest average amount of time for a thread running on a particular core to reach data in memory
A low NUMA factor is desirable (not much of a difference which bank data is stored)
Numa factor = 1: SMP system
Accessing memory outside a NUMA node: 20% slowdown for reads, 30% slowdown for writes
NUMA aspects where OS comes into play
When a thread mallocs memory, how should this memory be allocated
Affinity: How the runtime/OS assigns a thread to a certain core
OMP_PROC_BIND: Allows you to dictate a distribution policy
master: Collocate threads with the master thread
close: Place threads close to the master in the places list
Useful if code is compute-bound and don't do many trips to main memory
Reduce synchronization costs (single, barrier, etc.)
spread (default): Spread out thread as much as possible
Useful if code is memory-bound as it improves aggregate system memory bandwidth
false: Set no binding
true: lock thread to a core
OMP_PLACES: Allows you to control locations. OMP_PLACES can assume one of these values
threads: Hardware thread, assuming hyper threading is on
cores: Core
sockets: Node (socket)
A place list: Defined by user, explicitly referencing the underlying hardware of the machine
An extensive list of examples can be found in the slides
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