1.2 Gossip, Membership, and Grids
Lesson 1: Gossip
Multicast Problem
In computer networking, multicast is group communication where data transmission is addressed to a group of destination computers simultaneously
Multicast can be one-to-many or many-to-many distribution
The difference between multicast and broadcast is that in broadcast, the packet is delivered to all the hosts connected to the network, whereas in multicast, the packet is delivered to intended recipients only.
The multicast protocol typically sits at the application layer (i.e., does not deal with the underlying network)
Nodes may crash
Packets may be dropped
Tens of thousands of nodes
Simplest implementation: Centralized
The sender sends in a loop UDP/TCP packets
Not fault-tolerant: Sender may fail. Say it fails halfway through, only half of the receivers get the message
High overhead: Not scalable -> high O(N) latency
Solution: Tree-Based implementation
Pro: For a good (balanced) tree, the height is O(log(N)) -> better latency
Con: High set up and maintenance costs
Tree-Based multicast protocols
Build spanning trees to disseminate multicasts
Use ACKs or NAKs to repair multicasts not received
SRM: Scalable Reliable Multicast
Uses NAKs
Uses random delays (before sending out repair request) and exponential backoff (if sending out multiple NAKs, doubles the wait time every time they wait) to avoid NAK storms
RMTP: Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol
Uses ACKs
ACKs are only sent to designated receivers, which then re-transmit missing multicasts
Studies show that despite these countermeasures, these protocols still suffer from O(N) ACK/NAK overheads, which motivated the development of gossip/epidemic protocols
Gossip Protocols
There are two "hyperparameters": t and b. Say we set t to be 5 seconds and b (fan-out) to be 2 nodes. In the following examples, we consider only 1 multicast message and only 1 sender.
Periodically (every t seconds), a sender picks b random targets and sends them the multicast/gossip message. We can use UDP to transmit the messages as the gossip protocol itself is very reliable.
Once a node receives its gossip, it is said to be "infected" and becomes a sender.
The gossip protocol is not synchronized across nodes: each node uses its local clock to send messages in rounds. When doing analyses, we typically assume them to be synchronized, though.
Those above described the "push" gossip: once you have a multicast message, you start gossiping about it.
There is also a "pull" gossip that periodically polls randomly selected processes for new multicast messages that haven't been received.
Another variant is the push-pull model. In this model, when sending out a pull query, the sender also includes some gossip messages it received recently.
Multiple messages -> push a random subset/recently-received ones/high-priority ones
Gossip Analysis
The simple push protocol:
Is lightweight in large groups
Spreads a multicast quickly
Is highly fault-tolerant
Analyze using Epidemiology
Population: (n+1) nodes
The contact rate between any individual pair is ß
At any time, each individual is either uninfected (x) or infected (y)
x_0 = n, y_0 = 1. At all times, x + y = n + 1
Model as continuous time process. Do some math, and the conclusion is that when t becomes very large (as time progresses), x goes to 0, and y goes to n + 1. I.e., eventually, everyone receives the gossip. We can also show that the gossip protocol is fast: it converges within a logarithmic number of rounds.
Lightweight: Each node transmits no more than cblog(n) gossip messages
Low latency: Converges within clog(n) rounds
Reliability: All but 1/(n^(cb-2)) nodes receive the multicast
While log(n) is not constant, it grows very slowly pragmatically (e.g., using base = 2, log(1000) ~= 10, log(all IPv4 addresses) = 32).
Packet loss: with 50% packet loss, analyze with b /= 2. To achieve the same reliability as 0% loss rate, take twice as many rounds
Node failure: with 50% nodes failing, analyze with n /= 2 and b /= 2. Same as above
Fault tolerance: with failures, it is possible (but improbable) that the epidemic dies out quickly. If it happens, it happens early, but as gossips spread very fast, it is very difficult to kill a gossip after a few rounds (just like pandemics like COVID-19/rumors on the internet!)
In all forms of a gossip, it takes O(log(n)) rounds before n/2 nodes get the gossip (because the fastest structure for a message to spread is a spanning tree). Thereafter, pull gossip is faster than push gossip. The second half of pull gossip finishes in time O(log(log(n))). Some more math is involved here...
Gossip protocols are not topology-aware -> core switches may get overloaded (O(n)). In this example, there are two subnets/racks. If nodes select targets randomly, half of the gossips will go through the router. The fix is to have gossips prefer nodes in the local subnet using a higher probability and vice versa. E.g., in subnet i with n_i nodes, pick gossip target in the subnet with probability (1 - 1/n_i). With this fix, the router load becomes O(1), and the dissemination time is still O(log(n)).
Gossip Implementations
Some implementations
Example: NNTP Inter-Server Protocol
Lesson 2: Membership
What is Group Membership List?
In data centers, failures are the norm, not the exception. For example, if the rate of failure of one machine (OS/disk/motherboard/network, etc.) is once every 10 years, a DC with 12000 servers has a mean time to failure (MTTF) of ~7.2 hours!
Thus, we need a mechanism to detect failures. Preferably, a failure detector program distributedly, and automatically detects failures and reports to your workstation.
Two sub-protocols are needed by a membership protocol:
A failure detector
A mechanism to disseminate information about joins, leaves, and failures of processes
Failure Detectors
Two correctness properties for failure detectors:
Completeness: Each failure is detected (eventually by one other non-faulty process)
Accuracy: There is no mistaken detection
In reality, in lossy networks, it is impossible to achieve both 100% completeness and 100% accuracy. Otherwise, we can solve consensus (TODO: figure out what this is). In real life, failure detectors guarantee completeness while only guaranteeing partial/probabilistic accuracy.
Two desirable properties:
Speed: Time until some process first detects a failure
Scale: Equal load on each member, network message load
We want to satisfy all the above properties in spite of arbitrary, simultaneous process failures
A very simple failure detection protocol, centralized heartbeating:
Heartbeats sent periodically
If a heartbeat is not received from process p within timeout, mark p as failed
All processes send heartbeats to one central process
The central process may fail
The central process may be overloaded in a large process group
A variant: ring heartbeating
Unpredictable on simultaneous multiple failures: If both neighbors of a process p fail, before the neighbors are repaired, p may fail undetected
A third variant: all-to-all heartbeating
Equal load per member
Guarantees completeness (as long as there is at least one non-faulty process in the group)
If there is one straggler process that receives packets at a longer delay than others, it may mark all other processes as failed, leading to a low accuracy/high false-positive rate
How to improve the robustness is covered in the next lecture
Gossip-Style Membership
Gossip-style heartbeating: a more robust (better accuracy properties) variant of all-to-all heartbeating
Each node maintains a membership list with each entry being [node address, hearbeat counter, local time]
Nodes periodically gossip their membership list
On receipt, the local membership list is updated
Those entries with a higher/newer heartbeat counter is updated. The new time is the current, local time at recepient nodes
When an entry is last updated/heartbeat has not increased more than T_fail seconds ago, it is marked as failed
After T_cleanup seconds, the member is deleted from the list
Without this two-stage cleanup mechanism, a failed node has its entry deleted right after it is detected as failed. However, other processes may not have detected the failure/deleted the entry, and it may be added back in a gossip.
Analysis: tradeoff between false positive rate, detection time, and bandwidth
A single heartbeat takes O(log(N)) time to propagate
If bandwidth allowed per node is O(N), N heartbeats takes O(log(N)) time to propagate
If bandwidth allowed per node is O(1) (only a few sampled entries of the membership list), N heartbeats takes O(Nlog(N)) time to propagate (inversely proportional).
If the gossip period T_gossip is decreased:
We have a higher bandwidth/send out gossips much quicker
We can have a shorter time for the failure detection time T_fail and T_cleanup
As a result, we have a higher false positive rate, as non-faulty nodes (that are mistakenly detected) are given slightly shorter time for their heartbeat to make it across
Which is the best failure detector?
Metrics of comparisons
Completeness: we want it always guaranteed
Speed: denote the time to first detection of a failure to be T seconds
(In)Accuracy: denote as PM(T), probability of mistake in time T. In other words, this is the probability that a mistaken detection will be made in T time units.
Given the above requirements, we will compare the network message load, N*L, across protocols
All-to-all heartbeating
The load is linear per node: L = N / T (N heartbeats sent out every T time units)
Gossip-based all-to-all heartbeating
Gossip period is every tg unit seconds, where O(N) gossip messages are sent
T = log(N) * tg (gossip takes O(log(N)) rounds to propagate)
L = N / tg = N * log(N) / T
Higher load compared to all-to-all heartbeating: better accuracy by using more messages
What's the theoretical optimal?
Optimal L is independent of N (?!)
All-to-all and gossip-based protocols are sub-optimal (L = O(N / T))
Main reason: these two protocols mix up the failure detection and dissemination components. The keys to getting close to this optimal bound are:
Separate the two components
Use a non heartbeat-based failure detection component
Another Probabilistic Failure Detector
SWIM: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Membership protocol
Instead of using heartbeating, we use pinging
Process pi runs the protocol every T time units (protocol period)
At the beginning of a protocol, pi randomly picks a process pj and sends a ping message
If everything goes well, pj responds with an ACK
If the ACK is not heard back (original ping/ACK is dropped), pi tries to ping pj again using indirect paths
pi sends pings to K randomly selected processes, each of which sends a direct ping to pj and sends an ACK back to pi. If one ACK is received by pi, then we are good
Otherwise, pi marks pj as failed
The reason for using indirect paths is that the pi-pj path may be congested, and it might be dropping more packets than other paths. Using indirect paths bypasses the potential congestion (spatial chance) and gives pj a second (temporal) chance.
Dissemination and suspicion
Dissemination options
Multicast (Hardware/IP)
Multiple simultaneous multicasts
Point-to-point (TCP/UDP)
Zero extra messages: Piggyback on Failure Detector messages
Infection-style dissemination
Maintain a buffer of recently joined/evicted processes
Piggyback from this buffer
Prefer recent updates
Buffer elements are garbage collected after a while
Suspicion mechanism
False positives might be due to
Perturbed processes
Packet losses, e.g. from congestion
Indirect pinging may not solve the problem (correlated message losses near pinged host)
Solution: suspect a process before declaring it as failed in the group (see state diagram below)
To distinguish multiple suspicions of a process, use per-process incarnation numbers
Higher inc# notifications override lower inc#'s
Within an inc#: (Suspected, inc#) > (Alive, inc#)
(Failed, inc#) overrides everything else
Lesson 3: Grids
Grid Applications
Example: RAMS (Rapid Atmospheric Modeling System)
Compute-intensive computing (or HPC)
Can such programs be run without access to a supercomputer?
See picture below for a set of distributed computing resources in a grid
Grid applications...
May have several GBs of intermediate data
May take several hours/days
Have four stages: Init, Stage in, Execute, Stage out, Publish (optional)
Are computationally intensive, massivelly parallel
The core problem comes down to scheduling and resource allocations
Grid Infrastructure
2-level scheduling infrastructure
Intra-site: for example, UW-Madison uses HTCondor protocol
Such protocols are responsible for:
Internal allocation & scheduling
Distribution and publishing of files
Runs on a lot of workstations
When workstation is free, ask site's central server (or Globus) for tasks
If user hits a keystroke, the task is stopped (either killed or asked to reschedule)
Inter-site: e.g., Globus protocol
It is responsible for:
External allocation & scheduling
Stage in & stage out of files
Internal structures of different sites may be invisible to Globus
Globus toolkit
Grids are federated, i.e. no single entity controls the entire infrastructure
Architectures & key concepts have a lot in common with those of clouds
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