1.5 Classical Distributed Algorithms

Lesson 1: Snapshots

What is Global Snapshot?

  • In the cloud: Each application or service is running on multiple servers which handle concurrent events and interact with each other. Thus, the ability to obtain a "global photograph" of the system is important

  • Global snapshot = global state = individual state of each process/channel in the distributed system

  • First solution: Synchronize clocks of all processes

    • Ask all processes to record their states at know time t

    • Problems

      • Time synchronization always has error

      • Does not record the state of messages

    • Causality is enough!

Global Snapshot Algorithm

  • System model:

    • N processes in the system

    • Two uni-directional communication channels between each ordered process pair

    • Channels are FIFO

    • No failures

    • All messages arrive intact and are not duplicated

  • Requirements

    • Snapshot should not interfere with/block normal application actions

    • Each process is able to record its own state

    • The global state is collected in a distributed manner

    • Any process may initiate the snapshot

  • Chandy-Lamport Global Snapshot Algorithm

    • First, Initiator Pi records its own state

      • The initiator process creates special messages called "Marker" messages

      • For all other processes j, Pi sends out a Marker message on outgoing channel Cij (N-1 channels in total)

      • Starts recording the incoming messages on each of the incoming channels at Pi: Cji for j = 1 to N excluding i

    • Whenever a process Pi receives a Marker message on an incoming channel Cki

      • If this is the first Marker Pi is seeing

        • Pi records its own state first

        • Marks the state of channel Cki as "empty"

        • For j = 1 to N except i, Pi sends out a Marker message on outgoing channel Cij

        • Starts recording incoming messages on each of the incoming channels at Pi: Cji for j = 1 to N except i and k

      • Else (if it has already seen a Marker message):

        • Mark the state of channel Cki as all the messages that have arrived on it since recording was turned on for Cki

    • The algorithm terminates when

      • All processes have received a Marker (to record their own state)

      • All processes have received a Marker on all the N-1 incoming channels (to make sure each process has its state recorded)

    • Then, optionally, a central server collects all these partial state pieces to obtain the full global snapshot

Consistent Cuts

  • Cut = time frontier at each process and at each channel

  • Events at the process/channel that happen before the cut are "in the cut"

  • Consistent cut: A cut that obeys causality

    • A cut is consistent iff for each pair of events (e, f) in the system s.t. event e is in the cut C, and if f -> e, then f is also in the cut C

  • Any run of the Chandy-Lamport Global Snapshot algorithm creates a consistent cut

    • Proof by contradiction

Safety and Liveness

  • Liveness: Guarantee that something good will happen eventually

  • Safety: Guarantee that something bad will never happen

  • Can be difficult to satisfy both in an asynchronous distributed system

    • Failure detector: Completeness/liveness & accuracy/safety cannot both be guaranteed in an asynchronous distributed system

    • Consensus: Decisions/liveness and correct decisions/safety cannot both be guaranteed by any consensus protocol in an asynchronous distributed system

  • Liveness w.r.t. a property Pr in a given state S means

    • S satisfies Pr, or there is some causal path of global states from S to S' where S' satisfies Pr

  • Safety w.r.t. a property Pr in a given state S means

    • S satisfies Pr, and all global states S' reachable from S also satisfy Pr

  • Chandy-Lamport algorithm can be used to detect global properties that are stable (once true, stays true forever afterwards)

Lesson 2: Multicast

Multicast Ordering

  • Different communication forms

    • Multicast: Message sent to a group of processes

    • Broadcast: Message sent to all processes anywhere

    • Unicast: Message sent from one sender process to one receiver process

  • FIFO Ordering

    • Multicasts from each sender are received in the order they are sent, at all receivers

    • Doesn't care about multicasts from different senders

  • Casual Ordering

    • Multicasts whose send events are causally related must be received in the same causality-obeying order at all receivers

    • Concurrent multicasts are ok to be received in different orders at different receivers

    • Casual Ordering -> FIFO Ordering (the reverse is not true)

  • Total Ordering/Atomic Broadcast

    • Ensures all receivers receive all multicasts in the same order

    • Doesn't care about the order of multicast sending

    • May need to delay delivery of some messages at sender

Implementing Ordering

  • FIFO Ordering

    • Each receiver Pi maintains a per-sender sequence number Pi[1...N], initially all zeros

    • Pi[j] is the latest sequence number Pi has received from Pj

    • Send multicast from Pj:

      • Pj[j] += 1

      • Include new Pj[j] in the multicast message

    • Receive multicast (Pi receives from Pj with sequence number S in the message):

      • If S == Pi[j] + 1, then

        • Deliver message to application

        • Pi[j] += 1

      • Else

        • Buffer this multicast until the above condition is true

  • Casual Ordering

    • Each receiver Pi maintains a per-sender sequence number Pi[1...N], initially all zeros

    • Send multicast from Pj:

      • Pj[j] += 1

      • Include new entire vector Pj[1...N] in the multicast message

    • Receive multicast (Pi receives from Pj with vector M[1...N], buffer it until both:)

      • This message is the next one Pi is expecting from Pj, i.e. M[j] = Pi[j] + 1

      • All multicasts, anywhere in the group, which happened-before M, have been received at Pi, i.e.

        • For all k != j, M[k] <= Pi[k] (Receiver satisfies causality)

      • When the above two conditions are met, deliver M to application and set Pi[j] = M[j]

  • Total Ordering: Sequencer-based approach

Reliable Multicast

  • Reliable multicast loosely says that every process in the group receives all multicasts

    • Reliability is orthogonal to ordering

  • When it comes to process failures, the definition becomes vague

  • Definition: Need all correct/non-faulty processes to receive the same set of multicasts as all other correct processes

Virtual Synchrony

  • Each process maintains a membership list, called a View

  • An update to this membership list is called a View Change

  • Virtual synchrony guarantees that all view changes are delivered in the same order at all correct processes

    • A multicast M is said to be "delivered in a view V at process Pi" iff Pi receives view V, and then some time before Pi receives the next view, it delivers multicast M

  • Views may be delivered at different physical times at processes, but they are delivered in the same order

  • Virtual synchrony ensures that

    • The set of multicasts delivered in a given view is the same set at all correct processes that were in that view

      • What happens in a view, stays in that view

    • The sender of the multicast message also belongs to that view

    • If a process Pi does not deliver a multicast M in view V while other processes in the view V delivered M in V, the Pi will be forcibly removed from the next view delivered after V at the other processes

  • TODO: Add some examples

Lesson 3: Paxos

  • TODO

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