1.5 Classical Distributed Algorithms
Lesson 1: Snapshots
What is Global Snapshot?
In the cloud: Each application or service is running on multiple servers which handle concurrent events and interact with each other. Thus, the ability to obtain a "global photograph" of the system is important
Global snapshot = global state = individual state of each process/channel in the distributed system
First solution: Synchronize clocks of all processes
Ask all processes to record their states at know time t
Time synchronization always has error
Does not record the state of messages
Causality is enough!
Global Snapshot Algorithm
System model:
N processes in the system
Two uni-directional communication channels between each ordered process pair
Channels are FIFO
No failures
All messages arrive intact and are not duplicated
Snapshot should not interfere with/block normal application actions
Each process is able to record its own state
The global state is collected in a distributed manner
Any process may initiate the snapshot
Chandy-Lamport Global Snapshot Algorithm
First, Initiator Pi records its own state
The initiator process creates special messages called "Marker" messages
For all other processes j, Pi sends out a Marker message on outgoing channel Cij (N-1 channels in total)
Starts recording the incoming messages on each of the incoming channels at Pi: Cji for j = 1 to N excluding i
Whenever a process Pi receives a Marker message on an incoming channel Cki
If this is the first Marker Pi is seeing
Pi records its own state first
Marks the state of channel Cki as "empty"
For j = 1 to N except i, Pi sends out a Marker message on outgoing channel Cij
Starts recording incoming messages on each of the incoming channels at Pi: Cji for j = 1 to N except i and k
Else (if it has already seen a Marker message):
Mark the state of channel Cki as all the messages that have arrived on it since recording was turned on for Cki
The algorithm terminates when
All processes have received a Marker (to record their own state)
All processes have received a Marker on all the N-1 incoming channels (to make sure each process has its state recorded)
Then, optionally, a central server collects all these partial state pieces to obtain the full global snapshot
Consistent Cuts
Cut = time frontier at each process and at each channel
Events at the process/channel that happen before the cut are "in the cut"
Consistent cut: A cut that obeys causality
A cut is consistent iff for each pair of events (e, f) in the system s.t. event e is in the cut C, and if f -> e, then f is also in the cut C
Any run of the Chandy-Lamport Global Snapshot algorithm creates a consistent cut
Proof by contradiction
Safety and Liveness
Liveness: Guarantee that something good will happen eventually
Safety: Guarantee that something bad will never happen
Can be difficult to satisfy both in an asynchronous distributed system
Failure detector: Completeness/liveness & accuracy/safety cannot both be guaranteed in an asynchronous distributed system
Consensus: Decisions/liveness and correct decisions/safety cannot both be guaranteed by any consensus protocol in an asynchronous distributed system
Liveness w.r.t. a property Pr in a given state S means
S satisfies Pr, or there is some causal path of global states from S to S' where S' satisfies Pr
Safety w.r.t. a property Pr in a given state S means
S satisfies Pr, and all global states S' reachable from S also satisfy Pr
Chandy-Lamport algorithm can be used to detect global properties that are stable (once true, stays true forever afterwards)
Lesson 2: Multicast
Multicast Ordering
Different communication forms
Multicast: Message sent to a group of processes
Broadcast: Message sent to all processes anywhere
Unicast: Message sent from one sender process to one receiver process
FIFO Ordering
Multicasts from each sender are received in the order they are sent, at all receivers
Doesn't care about multicasts from different senders
Casual Ordering
Multicasts whose send events are causally related must be received in the same causality-obeying order at all receivers
Concurrent multicasts are ok to be received in different orders at different receivers
Casual Ordering -> FIFO Ordering (the reverse is not true)
Total Ordering/Atomic Broadcast
Ensures all receivers receive all multicasts in the same order
Doesn't care about the order of multicast sending
May need to delay delivery of some messages at sender
Implementing Ordering
FIFO Ordering
Each receiver Pi maintains a per-sender sequence number Pi[1...N], initially all zeros
Pi[j] is the latest sequence number Pi has received from Pj
Send multicast from Pj:
Pj[j] += 1
Include new Pj[j] in the multicast message
Receive multicast (Pi receives from Pj with sequence number S in the message):
If S == Pi[j] + 1, then
Deliver message to application
Pi[j] += 1
Buffer this multicast until the above condition is true
Casual Ordering
Each receiver Pi maintains a per-sender sequence number Pi[1...N], initially all zeros
Send multicast from Pj:
Pj[j] += 1
Include new entire vector Pj[1...N] in the multicast message
Receive multicast (Pi receives from Pj with vector M[1...N], buffer it until both:)
This message is the next one Pi is expecting from Pj, i.e. M[j] = Pi[j] + 1
All multicasts, anywhere in the group, which happened-before M, have been received at Pi, i.e.
For all k != j, M[k] <= Pi[k] (Receiver satisfies causality)
When the above two conditions are met, deliver M to application and set Pi[j] = M[j]
Total Ordering: Sequencer-based approach
Reliable Multicast
Reliable multicast loosely says that every process in the group receives all multicasts
Reliability is orthogonal to ordering
When it comes to process failures, the definition becomes vague
Definition: Need all correct/non-faulty processes to receive the same set of multicasts as all other correct processes
Virtual Synchrony
Each process maintains a membership list, called a View
An update to this membership list is called a View Change
Virtual synchrony guarantees that all view changes are delivered in the same order at all correct processes
A multicast M is said to be "delivered in a view V at process Pi" iff Pi receives view V, and then some time before Pi receives the next view, it delivers multicast M
Views may be delivered at different physical times at processes, but they are delivered in the same order
Virtual synchrony ensures that
The set of multicasts delivered in a given view is the same set at all correct processes that were in that view
What happens in a view, stays in that view
The sender of the multicast message also belongs to that view
If a process Pi does not deliver a multicast M in view V while other processes in the view V delivered M in V, the Pi will be forcibly removed from the next view delivered after V at the other processes
TODO: Add some examples
Lesson 3: Paxos
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