1.4 Key-Value Stores, Time, and Ordering
Lesson 1: Key-Value Stores
Why Key-Value / NoSQL?
The Key-Value Abstraction
Twitter: Tweet ID -> Info about tweet
Amazon: Item ID -> Info about it
Chase: Account # -> Info about it
Kind of like a distributed dictionary/DHT in P2P systems
Kind of like a database
Why not use relational DBMS? Mismatch with today's workloads
Data: Large and unstructured
Lots of random reads and writes from lots of clients
Sometimes write-heavy, while RDBMS are often optimized for reads
Foreign keys rarely needed
Joins frequent
Demands of today's workloads
Avoid Single Point of Failure (SPoF)
Low Total Cost of Operation (TCO)
Fewer System Administrators
Incremental Scalability
Scale out, not up
Scale up: Grow the cluster capacity by replacing with more powerful machines
Scale out: Incrementally grow the cluster capacity by adding more COTS machines (Components Of The Shelf, sweet spot on the price curve)
This is cheaper, and we can phase in/out newer/older machines over a long duration
NoSQL: Not Only SQL
Necessary API operations: get(key) and put(key, value)
There are tables like in RDBMS systems, but they may be unstructured/may not have schemas/don't always support joins/foreign keys, but they can have index tables
Storage: column-oriented storage
RDBMS stores an entire row together (on disk or at a server)
NoSQL systems store a column (or groups of columns) together
Entries within a column are indexed and easy to locate given a key (and vice versa)
This makes ranged searches within a column faster (as we don't need to fetch the entire database)
E.g., get me all the blog_ids from the blog table that were updated within the past month
Data placement strategies
RandomPartitioner: Chord-like hash partitioning
ByteOrderedPartitioner: Assigns ranges of keys to servers, easier for range queries
NetworkTopologyStrategy: For multi-DC deployments
Two/three replicas per DC
Per DC: The first replica is placed according to partitioner, then go clockwise until you hit a different rack
Snitches: Maps IPs to racks and DCs
SimpleSnitch: Unaware of topology/rack
RackInferring: Assumes network topology by octet of server's IP address = x.<DC octet>.<rack octet>.<node octet>
PropertyFileSnitch: Uses a config file
EC2Snitch: EC2 region = DC, availability zone = rack
Client sends write to one coordinator node in Cassandra cluster
Coordinator uses partitioner to send query to all replica nodes responsible for key
When X replicas respond, coordinator returns an acknowledgment to the client
X is specified by the client -- we'll come back to this later
Hinted Handoff mechanism: If any replica is down, the coordinator writes to all other replicas, and keeps the write locally until down replica comes back up, when it sends a copy of that write. When all replicas are down, the coordinator buffers the write locally
When a replica nodes receives a write
Log it in disk commit log for failure recovery
Make changes to appropriate memtables, in-memory representations of multiple key-value pairs. Memtables are flushed to disk when they are full/old.
Data files: An SSTable (Sorted String Table), list of key-value pairs sorted by key
Index file: An SSTable of (key, position in data SSTable) pairs
Efficient search: Bloom filters!
Bloom filters: Large bit maps
Checking for existence in set is cheap
Some probabilities of false positives (an item not in set reported as being in there -> incur a slight overhead for going into the SSTable), but never false negatives
The bit map starts with all zeros. On insert, we use k hash functions to map a key to k indexes. Then, all hashed bits are set to 1 for those k indexes (if they hadn't been set already)
Each server periodically merges SSTables by merging updates for a key
Instead of deleting right away, add a tombstone to the log, and eventually, it will be deleted by the compaction process
Coordinator contacts X replicas
When X replicas respond, the coordinator returns the latest-timestamped value from those X replicas
The coordinator also fetches values from other replicas
This checks consistency in the background, initiating a read repair if any two values are different
This mechanism seeks to eventually bring all replicas up-to-date
A row may span across multiple SSTables -> reads need to touch multiple SSTables -> reads are slower than writes
Any server could be the coordinator -> every server needs to know about all the servers in the cluster, and the list of servers needs to be updated as servers join/leave/fail
Cassandra uses gossip-style membership
Suspicion mechanism: Sets timeouts on a server-by-server basis
Reads/writes are orders of magnitudes faster than MySQL. But what did we lose?
The Mystery of X-The Cap Theorem
In a distributed system, at most two out of these three can be satisfied:
Consistency: All nodes see the same data at any time/reads return the latest value written by any client
Thousands of people booking the same flight
Availability: The system allows operations all the time & operations return quickly
Amazon: each extra ms of latency implies a $6M yearly loss
Partition-tolerance: The system continues to work in spite of network partitions (within/across DCs)
RDBMS provides ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
KV Stores provides BASE: Basically Available Soft-state Eventual Consistency (prefers availability over consistency)
In Cassandra, for each operation, a client is allowed to choose a consistency level
ANY: Any server (may not be replica)
Fastest (coordinator caches write & replies quickly)
ALL: All replicas
Strong consistency but slow
ONE: At least one replica
Faster than ALL but no failure tolerance (if all replica fails)
QUORUM: Quorum across all replicas in all DCs
Quorum = majority (>50%)
Any two quorums intersect
Faster than ALL while still guaranteeing strong consistency
More quorum-related
Quorum (N = total number of replicas)
Read consistency level: R <= N, coordinator waits for R replicas to respond before sending result to client, while in background, coordinator checks for consistency of remaining (N-R) replicas
Write consistency level: W <= N. Two flavors: (1) Coordinator blocks until quorum is reached, (2) Async: just write and return
For strong consistency:
W + R > N (write & read quorums intersect in at least one server among replicas of a key)
W > N / 2 (two write quorums ..., which keeps the latest value of the write)
The Consistency Spectrum
Cassandra offers eventual consistency: If writes to a key stop, all replicas of key will converge
Per-key sequential: Per key, all operations have a global order
CRDT: Commutative Replicated Data Types, commutated writes give same result
Servers do not need to worry about consistency/ordering
Red-Blue: Rewrites client operations and split them into red/blue ops
Red ops: Need to be executed in the same order at each DC
Blue ops: Can be commutated in any order across DCs
Casual: Reads must respect partial order based on information flow
Strong consistency models: Linearizability/Sequential consistency
API functions
Get/Put (row)
Scan (row range, filter) - range queries
Prefers consistency over availability (unlike Cassandra)
HBase uses write-ahead log (before writing to memstore) to ensure strong consistency
Cross-datacenter replication: Single master + other slave clusters replicate the same tables
Lesson 2: Time and Ordering
Introduction and Basics
Time synchronization is required for both correctness and fairness
End hosts in Internet-based systems like clouds have their own clocks
Processes in Internet-based systems follow an asynchronous system model (no bounds on message delays/processing delays)
Clock skew/drift: Relative difference in clock values/frequencies of two processes
MDR: Maximum Drift Rate of a clock. Between any pair of clocks, given a max acceptable skew M, need to synchronize every M / (2 * MDR) time units
Consider a group of processes:
External synchronization: Each process's clock is within a bound D of a well-known external clock (e.g., UTC)
Internal synchronization: Every pair of processes have clocks within bound D
External sync. within D implies internal sync. within 2D
Cristian's Algorithm
Process P synchronizes with a time server S
Problem: Time response message is inaccurate, the inaccuracy being a function of message latencies (and since latencies are unbounded, the inaccuracy cannot be bounnded)
Cristian's Algorithm measures the RTT of message exchanges
The actual time at P when it receives response is between
[t + min2, t + RTT - min1]
min1 = P -> S latency, min2 = S -> P latency
Cristian's Algorithm sets its time to
t + (RTT + min2 - min1) / 2
(halfway through this interval)Error is now bounded, being at most
(RTT - min2 + min1) / 2
NTP = Network Time Protocol
Each client is a leaf of the tree, each node synchronizes with its parent
Suppose child is ahead of parent by oreal, and suppose one-way latency of message i is Li, and suppose offset
o = (tr1 - tr2 + ts2 - ts1) / 2
, thentr1 = ts1 + L1 + oreal
tr2 = ts2 + L2 - oreal
oreal = o + (L2 - L1) / 2
, and then,|oreal - o| < |(L2 - L1) / 2| < |(L2 + L1) / 2|
, making the error bounded by RTT
Can we avoid clock synchronization and still be able to order events?
Lamport Timestamps
As long as timestamps obey causality, we can assign to events timestamps that are not absolute time
Happens-before is denoted as ->
Rules for assigning timestamps
Each process uses a local counter that is initialized as 0
A process increments its counter when a send/instruction happens
A send(message) event carries its timestamp
For a receive(message) event, the counter is updated by max(local clock, message timestamp) + 1
To obey the causality order
Lamport timestamps are not guaranteed to be ordered or unequal for concurrent events
E1 -> E2
impliestimestamp(E1) < timestamp(E2)
timestamp(E1) < timestamp(E2)
implies{E1 -> E2} OR {E1 and E2 are concurrent}
Can we tell if two events are concurrent or casually related? -> Vector clocks!
Vector Clocks
N processes
Each process uses a vector of integer clocks: Process i maintains
Vi[1, ..., N]
jth element of vector clock at process i,
, is i's knowledge of latest events at process jRules for assigning vector timestamps
On an instruction or send event at process i, it increments only the ith element of its vector clock
Each message carries the send event's vector timestamp
When process i receives a message
Vi[i] += 1
Vi[j] = max(Vmessage[j], Vi[j]) for j != i
VT1 = VT2
iffVT1[i] = VT2[i]
for all i = 1, ..., NVT1 <= VT2
iffVT1[i] <= VT2[i]
for all i = 1, ..., NTwo events are casually related iff
VT1 < VT2
i.e., iff
VT1 <= VT2
& there exists j such that1 <= j <= N & VT1[j] < VT2[j]
Two events are concurrent iff
NOT(VT1 <= VT2) AND NOT (VT2 <= VT1)
Denote as
VT1 ||| VT2
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