4.1 Spark, Hortonworks, HDFS, CAP


Apache Spark

  • Motivation: Traditional MapReduce & classical parallel runtimes cannot solve iterative algorithms efficiently

    • Hadoop: Repeated data access to HDFS, no optimizations to data caching & data transfers

    • MPI: No natural support for fault tolerance; programming interface is complicated

  • Apache Spark: Extend the MapReduce model to better support two common classes of analytics apps:

    • Iterative algorithms (ML, graphs)

    • Interactive data mining

  • Why are current frameworks not working?

    • Most cluster programming models use acyclic data flow (from stable storage to stable storage)

    • Acyclic data flow is inefficient for apps that repeatedly reuse a working set of data

  • Solution: Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)

    • Advantages

      • Allow apps to keep working sets in memory for efficient reuse

      • Retains the attractive properties of MapReduce (fault tolerance, data locality, scalability)

      • Supports a wide range of applications

    • Properties

      • Immutable, partitioned collections of objects

      • Created through parallel transformations (map, filter, groupBy, join) on data in stable storage

      • Can be cached for efficient reuse

Example Spark Applications

RDD Fault Tolerance

Big Data Distros (Distributions)


  • Connected data strategy

    • HDP: Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large sets of data on commodity hardware. Hadoop enables businesses to quickly gain insight from massive amounts of structured and unstructured data

    • HDF: Real-time data collection, curation, analysis, and delivery of data to and from any device, source or system, either on-premise and in the cloud

  • HDP tools

    • Apache Zeppelin: Open web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics

    • Apache Ambari: Source management platform for provisioning, managing, monitoring, and securing Apache Hadoop clusters

  • HDP data access

    • YARN: Data Operating System

      • MapReduce: Batch application framework for structured and unstructured data

      • Pig: Script ETL data pipelines, research on raw data, and iterative data processing

      • Hive: Interactive SQL queries over petabytes of data in Hadoop

      • Hbase Accumulo: Non-relational/NoSQL database on top of HDFS

      • Storm (Stream): Distributed real-time large volumes of high-velocity data

      • Solr (Search): Full-text search and near real-time indexing

      • Spark: In-memory

    • Data management: HDFS

  • HDF

    • Apache NiFi, Kafka, and Storm: Provide real-time dataflow management and streaming analytics



  • Platforms for big data

    • MapReduce (Hadoop written in C/C++)

    • NFS

    • Interactive SQL (Drill, Hive Spark SQL, Impala)

    • MapR-DB

    • Search (Apache Solr)

    • Stream Processing (MapR Streams)



  • HDFS properties

    • Synergistic w/ Hadoop

    • Massive throughput

    • Throughput scales with attached HDs

    • Have seen very large production clusters (Facebook, Yahoo)

    • Doesn't even pretend to be POSIX compliant

    • Optimized for reads, sequential writes, and appends

  • How can we store data persistently? Ans: Distributed File System replicates files

  • Distributed File System

    • Datanode Servers

      • A file is split into contiguous chunks (16-64MB), each of which is replicated (usually 2x or 3x)

      • Sends heartbeat and BlockReport to namenode

    • Replicas are placed: one on a node in a local rack, one on a different node in the local rack, and one on a node in a different rack (lots of back-ups)

  • Master node (namenode in HDFS) stores metadata, and might be replicated

    • Client libraries for file accesses talk to master to find datanode chunk, and then connect directly to datanode servers to access data

  • Replication pipelining: Data is pipelined from datanode to the next in the background

  • Staging: A client request to create a file does not reach namenode immediately. Instead, HDFS client caches the data into a temporary file -> once the data size reaches a HDFS block size, the client contacts the namenode -> namenode inserts the filename into its hierarchy and allocates a data block for it -> namenode responds to the client with the identity of the datanode and the destinations of the replicas/datanodes for the block -> client flushes from local memory

YARN and Mesos

  • Mesos: Built to be a scalable global resource manager for the entire datacenter

  • YARN: Created out of the necessity to scale Hadoop

  • Project myriad: Composites Mesos and YARN

    • Mesos framework and a YARN scheduler that enables Mesos to manage YARN resource requests

Last updated

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