4.1 Spark, Hortonworks, HDFS, CAP
Apache Spark
Motivation: Traditional MapReduce & classical parallel runtimes cannot solve iterative algorithms efficiently
Hadoop: Repeated data access to HDFS, no optimizations to data caching & data transfers
MPI: No natural support for fault tolerance; programming interface is complicated
Apache Spark: Extend the MapReduce model to better support two common classes of analytics apps:
Iterative algorithms (ML, graphs)
Interactive data mining
Why are current frameworks not working?
Most cluster programming models use acyclic data flow (from stable storage to stable storage)
Acyclic data flow is inefficient for apps that repeatedly reuse a working set of data
Solution: Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)
Allow apps to keep working sets in memory for efficient reuse
Retains the attractive properties of MapReduce (fault tolerance, data locality, scalability)
Supports a wide range of applications
Immutable, partitioned collections of objects
Created through parallel transformations (map, filter, groupBy, join) on data in stable storage
Can be cached for efficient reuse
Example Spark Applications
RDD Fault Tolerance
Big Data Distros (Distributions)
Connected data strategy
HDP: Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large sets of data on commodity hardware. Hadoop enables businesses to quickly gain insight from massive amounts of structured and unstructured data
HDF: Real-time data collection, curation, analysis, and delivery of data to and from any device, source or system, either on-premise and in the cloud
HDP tools
Apache Zeppelin: Open web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics
Apache Ambari: Source management platform for provisioning, managing, monitoring, and securing Apache Hadoop clusters
HDP data access
YARN: Data Operating System
MapReduce: Batch application framework for structured and unstructured data
Pig: Script ETL data pipelines, research on raw data, and iterative data processing
Hive: Interactive SQL queries over petabytes of data in Hadoop
Hbase Accumulo: Non-relational/NoSQL database on top of HDFS
Storm (Stream): Distributed real-time large volumes of high-velocity data
Solr (Search): Full-text search and near real-time indexing
Spark: In-memory
Data management: HDFS
Apache NiFi, Kafka, and Storm: Provide real-time dataflow management and streaming analytics
Platforms for big data
MapReduce (Hadoop written in C/C++)
Interactive SQL (Drill, Hive Spark SQL, Impala)
Search (Apache Solr)
Stream Processing (MapR Streams)
HDFS properties
Synergistic w/ Hadoop
Massive throughput
Throughput scales with attached HDs
Have seen very large production clusters (Facebook, Yahoo)
Doesn't even pretend to be POSIX compliant
Optimized for reads, sequential writes, and appends
How can we store data persistently? Ans: Distributed File System replicates files
Distributed File System
Datanode Servers
A file is split into contiguous chunks (16-64MB), each of which is replicated (usually 2x or 3x)
Sends heartbeat and BlockReport to namenode
Replicas are placed: one on a node in a local rack, one on a different node in the local rack, and one on a node in a different rack (lots of back-ups)
Master node (namenode in HDFS) stores metadata, and might be replicated
Client libraries for file accesses talk to master to find datanode chunk, and then connect directly to datanode servers to access data
Replication pipelining: Data is pipelined from datanode to the next in the background
Staging: A client request to create a file does not reach namenode immediately. Instead, HDFS client caches the data into a temporary file -> once the data size reaches a HDFS block size, the client contacts the namenode -> namenode inserts the filename into its hierarchy and allocates a data block for it -> namenode responds to the client with the identity of the datanode and the destinations of the replicas/datanodes for the block -> client flushes from local memory
YARN and Mesos
Mesos: Built to be a scalable global resource manager for the entire datacenter
YARN: Created out of the necessity to scale Hadoop
Project myriad: Composites Mesos and YARN
Mesos framework and a YARN scheduler that enables Mesos to manage YARN resource requests
Last updated
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